Saturday, August 1, 2009

Argyreia Nervosa-Hawaiian Baby Woodrose Seeds

We added a new product to our eBay website known as Argyreia NervosaHawaiian Baby Woodrose.

We also have added the product to our e-commerce website

More commonly known as Hawaiian Baby Woodrose or elephant creeper, this perennial flowering vine is in the same family as morning glory (Convolvulaceae) and has similar characteristics. The name Hawaiian Baby Woodrose is said to be derived from the appearance of the seed pods which look like little wooden roses. Its leaves are heart-shaped and its trumpet-shaped flowers are white with deep purple throats. This species is not to be confused with Hawaiian Woodrose, which is another plant entirely. A. Nervosa is said to originate in Asia (Bangladesh) despite the plants more popular association with Hawaii. A. nervosa plants are slow-growing at first but will grow rapidly after reaching about twelve inches and can easily reach thirty feet with maturity. Since A. Nerovsa is a vine, it will need structure to climb and is especially useful in providing floral decor for fences, mailbox and trellis. These plants can be grown outdoors all year round where temperatures do not freeze or be put in pots and be brought indoors for the winter elsewhere. Cuttings can also be taken by layering. The roots, leaves and seeds were used in traditional Ayurvedic medicine for a variety of purposes including, purification, nervous system support, joint health and sexual arousal. Despite traditional use in India, the seeds should not be used in the United States because they contain compounds that are illegal to ingest. Given its Asian origin, this plant does not appear to have been a part of South American shamanic traditions as some sources indicate. However, it is now cultivated tropical America. These seeds are from ghana.

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